Fastquez: what a perfect day for a reunion!
Fastquez: yo, wassup.
Fastquez: hey, how ya doin'?
Fastquez: doggy style
Fastquez: crazy ass seesaw
Fastquez: sasha and mommy...inseparable
Fastquez: not veggie
Fastquez: my big boy
Fastquez: steve, eric and I acting our shoe size on the swings!
Fastquez: 164 Reunion 2010
Fastquez: 164 Reunion 2010
Fastquez: 164 Reunion 2010
Fastquez: 164 Reunion 2010
Fastquez: the kiddies
Fastquez: the kiddies
Fastquez: more of the kiddies
Fastquez: sasha likes to make friends. or at least touch them... lol
Fastquez: sophie likes to makes friends too!
Fastquez: in color!
Fastquez: 164 Reunion 2010
Fastquez: 164 Reunion 2010
Fastquez: 164 Reunion 2010
Fastquez: 164 Reunion 2010
Fastquez: steve gets dizzy...
Fastquez: i do believe i see a little vomit stain on his shirt. ;)
Fastquez: 164 Reunion 2010
Fastquez: cupcake time!
Fastquez: yummy!
Fastquez: 164 Reunion 2010
Fastquez: the frosting IS the best part!