Fastquez: good morning!
Fastquez: our first hike together
Fastquez: its a lot grayer on film
Fastquez: pack it in...
Fastquez: getting started
Fastquez: snowy
Fastquez: snowy
Fastquez: exclamation point or marker?
Fastquez: jen!
Fastquez: post
Fastquez: first stop
Fastquez: first stop
Fastquez: misty
Fastquez: the brit
Fastquez: the brit
Fastquez: flower
Fastquez: snowy
Fastquez: snowy woods
Fastquez: taken by Karen
Fastquez: taken by Karen
Fastquez: fallen tree
Fastquez: fallen tree
Fastquez: mine
Fastquez: crossing a creek
Fastquez: slugging on
Fastquez: heart in snow