Fastquez: on our way...
Fastquez: Trailways is FUN!
Fastquez: paparazzi shot
Fastquez: josh picks us up
Fastquez: 'tis the season'ing... :)
Fastquez: "women's coats rule!"
Fastquez: pre-thanksgiving meal
Fastquez: yogi
Fastquez: yogi and mommy
Fastquez: griper is a dog eat dog game!
Fastquez: one of us has to poop
Fastquez: drink up!
Fastquez: cheeeese!
Fastquez: laser tag gang!
Fastquez: tessa
Fastquez: eric LOVES that i take these shots of us.....NOT!
Fastquez: Team Blue!
Fastquez: stop or i'll burn your retina!
Fastquez: josh was a maniac!
Fastquez: tessa: "yay, i got 2 points!"
Fastquez: howard: "colage is 4 nurds"
Fastquez: the lovely bonnie-lynn
Fastquez: air hockey
Fastquez: scott beat the crap out of eric. this is true.
Fastquez: guitar heros...or at least well meant civilians.
Fastquez: guitar heros...or at least well meant civilians.
Fastquez: josh is just so faboosh in that coat
Fastquez: scott and eric
Fastquez: guys, you need to put money in the machine first...jeez
Fastquez: my BF