Fastquez: shakespeare in the parking lot
Fastquez: the stage
Fastquez: the birthday girl
Fastquez: cupcakes!
Fastquez: lords and ladies....
Fastquez: scene 1
Fastquez: more of scene 1
Fastquez: yep, still scene 1
Fastquez: more hottness
Fastquez: love this shot
Fastquez: looks more like west side story...
Fastquez: distress
Fastquez: hold me
Fastquez: i go both ways my lord
Fastquez: the gang
Fastquez: traveling actors
Fastquez: the dream
Fastquez: the dream
Fastquez: the dance
Fastquez: the food
Fastquez: the cool peeps
Fastquez: the innuendo
Fastquez: the skull
Fastquez: more of the skull
Fastquez: the nerd
Fastquez: the calling out
Fastquez: the butt
Fastquez: the other butt
Fastquez: the slicing of the cake