Fastquez: can you spot the josh?
Fastquez: fuerza bruta
Fastquez: fuerza bruta (and josh)
Fastquez: check out my shirt. i didn't alter this!
Fastquez: look up
Fastquez: cool
Fastquez: show space
Fastquez: josh
Fastquez: the lights go up
Fastquez: woohoo
Fastquez: bruts
Fastquez: opening shot
Fastquez: opening shot
Fastquez: walking on conveyer belt
Fastquez: rain
Fastquez: rush hour
Fastquez: dream
Fastquez: dream
Fastquez: spinning
Fastquez: waking up
Fastquez: shot
Fastquez: this is how i feel everyday
Fastquez: running through
Fastquez: dinner
Fastquez: underwater
Fastquez: underwater
Fastquez: around the world