Fastquez: lobster bisque in 80 degree weather...and wha?
Fastquez: actin' naughty?
Fastquez: annie loves her soup...
Fastquez: chillaxin'
Fastquez: hold up...who's that over there?
Fastquez: hello sexy...
Fastquez: cop woman?
Fastquez: wow, you are cute...
Fastquez: papa...paparazzi
Fastquez: no idea who this kid was, but he was so cute!
Fastquez: causing a racquet...
Fastquez: causing a racquet...
Fastquez: causing a racquet...
Fastquez: the rest of our party...
Fastquez: mama!
Fastquez: sebastian...
Fastquez: mother and son...
Fastquez: mother and son...part II
Fastquez: mother and son...outtake.