Fastquez: drink #4 (each)
Fastquez: oops...i'm caught
Fastquez: intensely paying attention...
Fastquez: after the show...
Fastquez: drunk dialing is fun
Fastquez: clover in the beer...
Fastquez: fleet week!
Fastquez: cutie with his hot friends...
Fastquez: sexy
Fastquez: well, hello... :)
Fastquez: this is totally NOT posed
Fastquez: mi familia
Fastquez: rock on
Fastquez: cute couple!
Fastquez: cuter couple... :)
Fastquez: stage manager!
Fastquez: what a hot group
Fastquez: loved that hat
Fastquez: JUST DANCE!
Fastquez: poser
Fastquez: lookin' good
Fastquez: facebook profile
Fastquez: that tongue looks familiar
Fastquez: and so it starts...