Fastquez: gearing up for a good night...
Fastquez: i have to admit, these kids have style...
Fastquez: tina & friend...
Fastquez: my hot dates
Fastquez: opening act
Fastquez: he was deliciously good
Fastquez: and dirty
Fastquez: get down from there!
Fastquez: sweaty
Fastquez: second opening act!
Fastquez: sardines...
Fastquez: third opening act!
Fastquez: the curtain goes UP
Fastquez: I. AM. LADY. Ga.Ga.
Fastquez: papa paparrazi
Fastquez: papa paparrazi
Fastquez: papa paparrazi
Fastquez: beautiful...
Fastquez: dirty...
Fastquez: rich...
Fastquez: work it!
Fastquez: the lady
Fastquez: the brain
Fastquez: that's money...
Fastquez: honey...
Fastquez: M O N E Y
Fastquez: bubble girl
Fastquez: bubble girl
Fastquez: bubble girl