Fastquez: new dramatist
Fastquez: josh's first reading! :)
Fastquez: the players
Fastquez: annie "talking" to james
Fastquez: karaoke champion
Fastquez: baby got back! :)
Fastquez: sing it girl!
Fastquez: adorable
Fastquez: beautiful, dirty, rich...
Fastquez: cuties
Fastquez: josh rockin' the house
Fastquez: R-E-S-P-E-C-T
Fastquez: what's so funny?
Fastquez: making love to the mike!
Fastquez: annie's devilish smile...
Fastquez: one of us is pregnant...
Fastquez: hot latinos
Fastquez: more hot latinos
Fastquez: fabiola's KICK ASS fish soup for good friday!
Fastquez: all about me
Fastquez: hey, are they making fun of me?!
Fastquez: tongue
Fastquez: no shots
Fastquez: my madrina
Fastquez: flower boy
Fastquez: batter up!
Fastquez: buenas noches!
Fastquez: jackson heights