Fastquez: mirror, mirror...
Fastquez: shawn at the diner
Fastquez: back again! :)
Fastquez: barber shop
Fastquez: shawn gettin' the full treatment...
Fastquez: spa-like
Fastquez: we got our hair did.
Fastquez: HAIR the musical
Fastquez: HAIR the musical
Fastquez: on our way upstate!!
Fastquez: cookie monster
Fastquez: prada-ish
Fastquez: my sister's anniversary ring
Fastquez: GORGEOUS
Fastquez: yummy fish dinner!!!!
Fastquez: and, so it begins........
Fastquez: cheers!
Fastquez: cheers part II
Fastquez: cheers part III
Fastquez: cheers part IV
Fastquez: cheers part V
Fastquez: those were some HARD shots
Fastquez: adorable
Fastquez: why is he wiping his mouth like that??
Fastquez: more shots?!
Fastquez: MORE SHOTS?!?!
Fastquez: come on now...
Fastquez: love her
Fastquez: birthday boy
Fastquez: jackie joins in on the fun