Fastquez: steamy window
Fastquez: its almost time...the inaugural fever hits harlem...
Fastquez: church on Broadway and 207th Street
Fastquez: the iron cross plaque
Fastquez: my boy lin-man!
Fastquez: sophia and friends
Fastquez: nas is always camera-ready
Fastquez: mischa!
Fastquez: this looks a little rough
Fastquez: present time...for sophia?
Fastquez: i want YOU
Fastquez: very artsy kids
Fastquez: hank hears mischa
Fastquez: mommy
Fastquez: playing with the kiddies
Fastquez: the cookies were nuts!
Fastquez: evil cat?
Fastquez: precious cat
Fastquez: daddy and baby
Fastquez: he's not bitting me...
Fastquez: poser
Fastquez: profile
Fastquez: gorgeous cat
Fastquez: raise your hand if you're sure!
Fastquez: rue rue
Fastquez: this pic is CLASSIC
Fastquez: she's saying "goo nigh!"
Fastquez: kirk, give me sexy
Fastquez: kirk, give me domented
Fastquez: backseat shinanigans