Fastquez: where i like to go when playing hookie from work ;)
Fastquez: facial and latte...perfect
Fastquez: central park in the winter
Fastquez: st. germain (yep 2 bottles)
Fastquez: vote obama five dollar bill (found this in my wallet)
Fastquez: on my way up to kristy's
Fastquez: champagne & st. germain -- a perfect combination
Fastquez: getting it started right.
Fastquez: happy new year from us to you!
Fastquez: 2006...i mean 2009
Fastquez: classic
Fastquez: wrong year glasses
Fastquez: wrong year glasses
Fastquez: wrong year glasses
Fastquez: love the illumination from behind. that was not planned.
Fastquez: red cap
Fastquez: ba-cock -- fear the chicken
Fastquez: exposing katie to a world of bad youtube clips.
Fastquez: get up, get get down.
Fastquez: red on red
Fastquez: knock, knock (kristy's door)
Fastquez: jen loves mrs. fields
Fastquez: actually, we ALL love mrs. fields
Fastquez: how much?!?!
Fastquez: its cold, lets do it.
Fastquez: taking a lincoln instead of a cab. we're risk takers!
Fastquez: our cool driver!
Fastquez: pasty's/danny's apt
Fastquez: get in, its cold!
Fastquez: going up