Fastquez: absolut holiday
Fastquez: jen drinking jenn chocolate vodka
Fastquez: xmas decorations...NYC style
Fastquez: a holiday cheer
Fastquez: blow harder
Fastquez: din din
Fastquez: pinchin' my what??
Fastquez: presents!
Fastquez: Ho and Balls stickies!
Fastquez: the slowest present opener in the world
Fastquez: still opening...
Fastquez: classics of idian spirituality
Fastquez: my present from jen!
Fastquez: my present for jen
Fastquez: hope she likes it!
Fastquez: aw...i shouldn't have!
Fastquez: pretty
Fastquez: niiice
Fastquez: sweater for christine from me
Fastquez: my expert wrapping skills
Fastquez: what's so funny??
Fastquez: that's right
Fastquez: a flask
Fastquez: CLASSIC!!! LOL!!!
Fastquez: merry christmas!
Fastquez: love it
Fastquez: a crisp friday morning in NYC
Fastquez: ho found on the stairs on my way to work...