Fastquez: oh really...
Fastquez: here they are!! yummy!!
Fastquez: "well, you see, i'm awesome and that's all there is to it..."
Fastquez: ahhh! there's a dead piece of meat on my plate!!!
Fastquez: mine are THIS big...
Fastquez: drink up!
Fastquez: eat it JEN!
Fastquez: yes, you CAN.
Fastquez: hawt?
Fastquez: look mom! we listened!
Fastquez: Elvira and Smiley Face?
Fastquez: awesome
Fastquez: more awesome
Fastquez: pour me some lovin'!
Fastquez: coolest table in the joint!
Fastquez: the gals
Fastquez: the guys
Fastquez: the second coolest table in the joint
Fastquez: tasty
Fastquez: this picture gives me a headache.
Fastquez: the sweetness
Fastquez: the nasty
Fastquez: come home with me...
Fastquez: ooops...
Fastquez: oh really!
Fastquez: figures.
Fastquez: haha!!!
Fastquez: we're pros.
Fastquez: happy birthday to BOTH!