Fastquez: the birthday girl and friend!
Fastquez: obligatory shot
Fastquez: friend joining said obligatory shot
Fastquez: susan looked HOT!
Fastquez: sisters
Fastquez: ex-co-workers
Fastquez: omg, dennis showed up! niiiice!!!
Fastquez: dennis and wife
Fastquez: cerberus attacks
Fastquez: its a party now!
Fastquez: duo birthdays
Fastquez: posers
Fastquez: party #2 - congratulations elana!!!!
Fastquez: its a piece of...
Fastquez: elana needs some sugar
Fastquez: open wide!
Fastquez: granson!!!
Fastquez: she blows...
Fastquez: Warning: These are DANGEROUS!
Fastquez: go, go, go, go, go, go!!!
Fastquez: still going......
Fastquez: elana joins in the fun
Fastquez: hottie
Fastquez: who can suck better...hmm? :)
Fastquez: sexy beast
Fastquez: elana looks like she's really getting into this...
Fastquez: i mean, REALLY getting into this...
Fastquez: WHOA!!
Fastquez: hey!