Fastquez: reading the "friends" lyric sheet performed at the senior roast...
Fastquez: "hello mom??!"
Fastquez: crotch shot!
Fastquez: can YOU tell she's holding two forks? ;)
Fastquez: brunch is fun!
Fastquez: this was SUPPOSE to be our picnic spot, but the grass was too wet. :)
Fastquez: ruthie!
Fastquez: sophie!
Fastquez: more sophie...
Fastquez: yup, you guessed it..
Fastquez: she's just so damn cute!
Fastquez: mama ruthie doing her thang.
Fastquez: teehee..
Fastquez: i want my b-o-b-o!
Fastquez: uh-oh, someone's learning some bad things...
Fastquez: sara gets robbed in the park.
Fastquez: sophie's thinking...i wonder if she even notices.
Fastquez: criss cross will make you wanna...
Fastquez: walking...
Fastquez: uncle chris *hearts* sophie
Fastquez: woooow.
Fastquez: smooches
Fastquez: haha...sorry sara, i had too...
Fastquez: take 2...much better
Fastquez: siena reunited and it feels so good...
Fastquez: at peters! its 3p...cocktail time!
Fastquez: "what?!! did you just say 'wet the hole?!'"
Fastquez: i'm thinking, she's nuts.