Fastquez: do these make me look fat? yes. :)
Fastquez: i see blue skies!
Fastquez: jenbaby
Fastquez: black rocky
Fastquez: kristy arrives!
Fastquez: jen *hearts* cheese
Fastquez: what's wrong with this sign??
Fastquez: kirky poo arrives!
Fastquez: NOT the cirle line...
Fastquez: checking in...
Fastquez: we got the tickets!
Fastquez: woohoo!
Fastquez: line already forming for the "big" event
Fastquez: hey, i can see one withOUT the boat!
Fastquez: our ride...
Fastquez: cool shot
Fastquez: foggy
Fastquez: popping her cherry
Fastquez: pier 17
Fastquez: the new york city waterfalls
Fastquez: hold my drink...
Fastquez: i see a limbo coming on!
Fastquez: how low can HE go??
Fastquez: that's low...
Fastquez: trying again...
Fastquez: lower....
Fastquez: nice!
Fastquez: ALL ABOARD!