Fastquez: jen's gift bag from moi...yes, that's dental floss there. :)
Fastquez: life before 30...29 to be exact.
Fastquez: back of shirt ;)
Fastquez: the bling comes out tonight!
Fastquez: a quick stop at virgils for hush puppies!
Fastquez: the venue: coppersmiths
Fastquez: katie's turning japanese, she's turning japanese, i really think so!
Fastquez: hush puppies!! YUMMY!
Fastquez: jen sneaks some puppies into her mouth...
Fastquez: t15a!
Fastquez: the gifts...
Fastquez: jen *hearts* presents!
Fastquez: kiss me i'm 30
Fastquez: kiss you where?? :)
Fastquez: oh, you got me books...umm yeah...that's great...really...that's really great.
Fastquez: Eee air ick and Katie :)
Fastquez: CHEESE!!!!!!
Fastquez: kristy stops in bearing crumbs cupcakes!!!
Fastquez: rosemary!!!!!!!
Fastquez: aww...the gang reunites
Fastquez: jen refusing to wear the blinking "kiss me i'm 30"!!
Fastquez: katie suggests where she should wear it...LOL
Fastquez: t-shirt is presented! :)
Fastquez: i think she likes it
Fastquez: i hope it fits!
Fastquez: you can't buy this shirt at the gap ;)
Fastquez: floss, chris? really??
Fastquez: Eee air ick tries on the candy necklace...
Fastquez: candy ring...