Fastquez: 7:50a on friday morning and i wake up to this...
Fastquez: crane dropped on building
Fastquez: breaking news...
Fastquez: from my roof
Fastquez: news copter
Fastquez: my backyard
Fastquez: rude awakening
Fastquez: more copters
Fastquez: from the street
Fastquez: long view
Fastquez: horrible
Fastquez: my corner
Fastquez: fire trucks arrived IMMEDIATELY
Fastquez: people watch and stare
Fastquez: further down
Fastquez: i hate these things now!!
Fastquez: clean-up later that day
Fastquez: 1st avenue and 88th
Fastquez: up they go
Fastquez: clean up
Fastquez: these guys are brave!
Fastquez: what happened??
Fastquez: checking out the scene
Fastquez: you couldn't pay me enough to do this!!
Fastquez: investigations
Fastquez: inspectors
Fastquez: grab on tight
Fastquez: damaged... :(