Fastquez: ok, where's my stuff!
Fastquez: ok, i'm READY!
Fastquez: what is THAT??
Fastquez: no way...
Fastquez: I LOVE THEM!
Fastquez: OMG these are perfect!!
Fastquez: music DOES make the people come together!
Fastquez: totally a material girl!
Fastquez: thank you BARRY!
Fastquez: bedtime story onesie
Fastquez: does he know that adelina is HALF ENGLISH!?! BRILLIANT!
Fastquez: sweet!
Fastquez: give me MORE!
Fastquez: is that us?!
Fastquez: these are soooo good!
Fastquez: lollipops on the back??!! CUTE!!!
Fastquez: is that a pig elephant?!
Fastquez: madonna as a in dear jesse. duh!
Fastquez: the limited edition collection
Fastquez: HOT baby fashion
Fastquez: yep, this fits me... :)