Fastquez: richard goes to NC for 4 months! :(
Fastquez: christmas presents! (in may)
Fastquez: calendar 2008..."all about dick"
Fastquez: hi, yeah is this the unemployment line?
Fastquez: calling all jobs!
Fastquez: aww...memories
Fastquez: toast to richard
Fastquez: always with the gay drinks!
Fastquez: jen arrives
Fastquez: dick mints!
Fastquez: nachos are fun!
Fastquez: salsa was HOOOOTTT!
Fastquez: yummy!
Fastquez: CHUCK??? WHERE ARE YOU?!
Fastquez: TMI!
Fastquez: I KNEW IT!
Fastquez: LOL!! Ironically, these were delicious!
Fastquez: the margaritas was soooo strong! (from what i remember)
Fastquez: we swallow
Fastquez: FOR SHAME!
Fastquez: giggles
Fastquez: drunk
Fastquez: umm...wha?
Fastquez: jen breaks balls
Fastquez: OUCHIES!
Fastquez: jen and richard...when they dated
Fastquez: work it!
Fastquez: shoes