Fastquez: what does one do on a rainy day in nyc??
Fastquez: no can opener?
Fastquez: unfortunately, kirk does not own the proper utensils
Fastquez: and giving a dull knife to jennifer may not be a good idea...
Fastquez: 1/4 of a slice jen!!
Fastquez: after a grueling 10 mins in the kitchen, kirk is beat.
Fastquez: more wine can help!
Fastquez: dinner is finally ready...this is a rachael ray vegetable lasagna
Fastquez: come and get it!
Fastquez: this was quite good...if i say so myself... ;)
Fastquez: apparently, we had to all share 2 forks... :)
Fastquez: dessert time! thank goodness for crumbs cupcakes!
Fastquez: ...and milk of course.
Fastquez: christine sits upright.
Fastquez: kirk cuts it out...
Fastquez: very sexy
Fastquez: he swallows
Fastquez: next up...sliding on wooden floors in your socks...tons o fun for all!
Fastquez: come on christine...your turn!!!
Fastquez: is this it?? LOL!!!
Fastquez: go jen racer go!!
Fastquez: perfect slide...
Fastquez: xtine tries again...
Fastquez: stephen joins in the fun...
Fastquez: just call me grace...
Fastquez: good times, good times