Fastquez: work
Fastquez: TGIF!!
Fastquez: dinner at maloney & porcelli
Fastquez: danny's sunglasses
Fastquez: danny and bf
Fastquez: the birthday girl!
Fastquez: kirk arrives...late. :-p
Fastquez: this menu is as big as my head!!
Fastquez: a little bubbly to start.
Fastquez: champaign
Fastquez: delicious crab cake!
Fastquez: uh oh...lolly lobster makes an appearence.
Fastquez: and more lobster claws (?)
Fastquez: i have no idea what the heck this is!
Fastquez: HAWT
Fastquez: danny is mezmorized by the beauty of jen's license picture.
Fastquez: awesome scallions
Fastquez: danny :)
Fastquez: a liquid dinner??
Fastquez: meat eaters
Fastquez: dessert!
Fastquez: more dessert!
Fastquez: icecream
Fastquez: kristy loses it.
Fastquez: ooh...
Fastquez: waiter
Fastquez: great wine
Fastquez: HAWT!
Fastquez: aww...