Fastquez: this is where the christmas tree stood.
Fastquez: banff film festival
Fastquez: the peeps
Fastquez: programs are fun!
Fastquez: the chris's
Fastquez: is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me...oh, its a gun.
Fastquez: i see the light...
Fastquez: statue...
Fastquez: shayne
Fastquez: mom and son
Fastquez: "massage therapist"
Fastquez: mcdonalds fries are the BEST!
Fastquez: dessert
Fastquez: a crazy ass on the street
Fastquez: F U BUDDY!!!
Fastquez: crowd at the waldorf for rock & roll hall of fame induction of madonna
Fastquez: wine
Fastquez: dinner for two...
Fastquez: avocado salad...AMAZING
Fastquez: grilled chicken with plantains and white rice...YUMMY
Fastquez: awe...
Fastquez: hello
Fastquez: cigar boxes on the wall
Fastquez: christine meets stephen at the meet-up
Fastquez: josh meets a girl at the meet-up
Fastquez: sexy mama and christine. ;)
Fastquez: a cool night...
Fastquez: a night cap
Fastquez: wine and strawberries
Fastquez: naughty boy