Fastquez: first hike of the year!!
Fastquez: red bull to the rescue!
Fastquez: let's go!
Fastquez: tu madre!
Fastquez: chucky!!
Fastquez: so, anyone afraid of russian bears??
Fastquez: true color
Fastquez: fun guy
Fastquez: troops out
Fastquez: lite leaves
Fastquez: woods
Fastquez: aww!
Fastquez: quick break
Fastquez: dead tree
Fastquez: crossing jordan...i mean a creek
Fastquez: next!
Fastquez: careful now...
Fastquez: hop, hop, hop
Fastquez: spring
Fastquez: splash
Fastquez: leaf
Fastquez: hikers
Fastquez: shriveled
Fastquez: trail
Fastquez: follow me...
Fastquez: get up here!
Fastquez: foggy
Fastquez: rocks
Fastquez: he *hearts* "grace"