Fastquez: and the hat makes its appearence...
Fastquez: happy st. patty's day at peter's
Fastquez: christine has a big head
Fastquez: peek-a-boo!
Fastquez: jen and T15A
Fastquez: kristy in green
Fastquez: hawt
Fastquez: T15A
Fastquez: sindy and stephen
Fastquez: yes, i'm irish
Fastquez: richard?
Fastquez: rosemary in green
Fastquez: pimp daddy
Fastquez: pimp mama
Fastquez: the hat is deflating!
Fastquez: smooches!
Fastquez: simon says, put your hands on your head...
Fastquez: no crows feet!
Fastquez: no crows feet either! (phew)
Fastquez: different shades of green...
Fastquez: sexy
Fastquez: LOL! Adorable...
Fastquez: "all i gotta say is..."
Fastquez: glass #2...right sin?? ;)
Fastquez: dancer in the dark
Fastquez: these two were arguing outside the woman's i took a picture of course!
Fastquez: innocent smile...
Fastquez: cheers!