Fastquez: party in a bag!
Fastquez: you are here.
Fastquez: i need to be here...
Fastquez: creepy.
Fastquez: i made it!
Fastquez: across from the church...
Fastquez: woohoo!
Fastquez: i may need to use this one night.
Fastquez: josh
Fastquez: act NORMAL josh!
Fastquez: my impersonation of someone. :)
Fastquez: homemade!
Fastquez: thanks kristy!
Fastquez: that bitch is everywhere!
Fastquez: good southern food!
Fastquez: made with love :)
Fastquez: sloppy joe, sloppy, sloppy joe!
Fastquez: awesome ameretto cake! thanks chuck!
Fastquez: you got served.
Fastquez: yummy! the cake was good too ;)
Fastquez: cupcake
Fastquez: how about using a REAL knife jenny?
Fastquez: a "dallop" of cake.
Fastquez: taboo time!
Fastquez: ASBO (Anti-Social Behaviour Order)
Fastquez: buzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Fastquez: GO GIANTS!!!
Fastquez: NEW YORK WINS!!!!!!!!!!!
Fastquez: woohoo!
Fastquez: yeah baby!