Fastquez: pre-NYE get together with christine...
Fastquez: happy almost new year!
Fastquez: i'm cool... :)
Fastquez: ok, where's the party...i'm ready.
Fastquez: burger king pit stop...
Fastquez: mo's place!!
Fastquez: the spread was FANTASTIC!
Fastquez: butter knives are fun!
Fastquez: kirk knows where it's at.
Fastquez: AWESOME SHOT! grape in action!
Fastquez: don't drink and the eat plastic jen!
Fastquez: tooting her own horn. :)
Fastquez: cute
Fastquez: hey fellas!
Fastquez: the party group
Fastquez: lucky girl!
Fastquez: ceramic egg fun #1
Fastquez: ceramic egg fun #2
Fastquez: ceramic egg fun #3 (almost poetic)
Fastquez: ceramic egg fun #4
Fastquez: the group gets larger...
Fastquez: MO!!
Fastquez: sweet...
Fastquez: random shot of Mo's chandelier
Fastquez: pour me some love...its almost time!
Fastquez: 29 seconds!!!
Fastquez: 5 seconds!!!
Fastquez: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fastquez: celebration shot - take 1
Fastquez: celebration shot - take 2 (much better)