Fastquez: rubbing two sticks together ;)
Fastquez: samurai warrior on 48th and park.
Fastquez: au bon pain - the place city-folk celebrate christmas!
Fastquez: merry merry lisa!
Fastquez: this is a candy cane.
Fastquez: photo album
Fastquez: "ooh...pretty...its me!"
Fastquez: is that what i looked like pregnant?
Fastquez: time calls.
Fastquez: frame
Fastquez: pics
Fastquez: more pics
Fastquez: and now the Pièce de résistance
Fastquez: shocked
Fastquez: still shocked
Fastquez: more shocking looks
Fastquez: adelina on canvas
Fastquez: i think she likes it. :)
Fastquez: show the camera
Fastquez: carefully now...
Fastquez: ta-da!
Fastquez: merry x-mas!
Fastquez: thanks lisa!