Fastquez: pre-party munchies @ mcdonalds - we're classy.
Fastquez: soooo good!
Fastquez: mcgrilled mcchicken mcwrap (i had 3!)
Fastquez: lumiere apts
Fastquez: angelic
Fastquez: awesome thundercats t-shirt!
Fastquez: decor
Fastquez: mood lighting...
Fastquez: beautiful big tree...
Fastquez: more holiday...stuff.
Fastquez: kitchen
Fastquez: my date
Fastquez: cute
Fastquez: i want these
Fastquez: this is why i'm hot?
Fastquez: new friend!
Fastquez: clinton supporters?
Fastquez: view from the sofa.
Fastquez: madonna is everywhere!
Fastquez: we're hawt
Fastquez: sexy
Fastquez: the crush of the night...
Fastquez: sucker
Fastquez: does this hat make me look gay? :)
Fastquez: aww...
Fastquez: umm...yeah.
Fastquez: their HUGE tub.
Fastquez: dual sinks?! are you kidding me???
Fastquez: plus shower.