Fastquez: congrats jilly!
Fastquez: the office uniform
Fastquez: lovely
Fastquez: stop to smell it...
Fastquez: its holiday season in NYC!
Fastquez: mama mexico...yummmmm
Fastquez: this WAS a frozen strawberry margarita
Fastquez: jill
Fastquez: cheese!
Fastquez: the ring
Fastquez: dennis and christine join in...
Fastquez: photo shoot...coming right up!
Fastquez: magic fingers
Fastquez: "i can totally make you look like you're on a lilly pad"
Fastquez: mood lighting
Fastquez: but dude, its not my birthday...!
Fastquez: i'm stressed
Fastquez: f off!
Fastquez: *snicker*
Fastquez: the dream team...
Fastquez: water is fun!
Fastquez: teeth!
Fastquez: cheeky
Fastquez: jill alone...
Fastquez: oops...
Fastquez: smoooches....
Fastquez: cute