Fastquez: a splitting headache!
Fastquez: he's a sharp guy
Fastquez: *insert funny quote here*
Fastquez: yeah...see.
Fastquez: boo.
Fastquez: i'm "man with bat mask on" man.
Fastquez: is THIS how my roommate affords rent?!
Fastquez: i can interview faster than a speeding bullet.
Fastquez: is today halloween? i completely forgot!
Fastquez: this is our resident special person.
Fastquez: hmm...
Fastquez: alex, a cut above the rest...
Fastquez: this is mrs. globoble. she's our in house scary person. LOL
Fastquez: meow
Fastquez: i think she's missing her whip.
Fastquez: chris brings the fun to work!
Fastquez: wearing my halloween color!
Fastquez: some people become their pets.
Fastquez: maria as diane sawyer as batgirl...impressive.
Fastquez: charley tries to cut the competition.
Fastquez: ack!
Fastquez: is it friday yet??
Fastquez: oh my...
Fastquez: CREEPY!
Fastquez: *bronx cheer*
Fastquez: classy girl.
Fastquez: word.
Fastquez: the snots make their way to the VIP section - thanks NANCY!!!
Fastquez: this is the street we stood on to watch the parade.
Fastquez: it was VIP all the way!