Fastquez: ok, i'm ready...
Fastquez: maybe one more shot of me before i go. :)
Fastquez: here's my little date for the night...
Fastquez: i mean, HERE's my date. :)
Fastquez: the invite.
Fastquez: the location
Fastquez: the entrance
Fastquez: the stalling for time...
Fastquez: fun with the camera!
Fastquez: jilly!!! (and josh)
Fastquez: where are we sitting?
Fastquez: great arrangement
Fastquez: so damn CUTE!!!
Fastquez: cheese!
Fastquez: the ladies
Fastquez: the milf
Fastquez: the yarmulka (yep, that's how its spelled)
Fastquez: the gathering
Fastquez: the souvenir
Fastquez: the procession
Fastquez: the chuppah!
Fastquez: more chuppah
Fastquez: beautiful temple
Fastquez: take 2
Fastquez: candles on a stick.
Fastquez: jill waits in anticipation...
Fastquez: the rabbi!
Fastquez: bridesmaid #1
Fastquez: bridesmaid #5