Fastquez: who's that girl?
Fastquez: adelina belle!!
Fastquez: what do you want uncle chwis i'm asweep??
Fastquez: lunch time!
Fastquez: my first carry!
Fastquez: smooches
Fastquez: is that a smile?!?
Fastquez: who's that??
Fastquez: bronx cheer
Fastquez: strike a pose
Fastquez: no hat please!
Fastquez: hello...
Fastquez: mommy
Fastquez: yumm-o
Fastquez: chris, want to feed her while I eat?? :)
Fastquez: OMG too cute!
Fastquez: a happy girl
Fastquez: my first feed!!
Fastquez: love her!
Fastquez: burpy time!
Fastquez: not camera shy
Fastquez: hi mommy!
Fastquez: precious
Fastquez: buuurrrrp...excuse me!
Fastquez: belly full?? yes.
Fastquez: mano a mano
Fastquez: put the camera down and finish burping me!