Fastquez: yellow
Fastquez: yellow on the 6
Fastquez: josh
Fastquez: the ramones hung out here...
Fastquez: pre-show cocktail bar
Fastquez: what the?
Fastquez: cool cat
Fastquez: cheers!
Fastquez: christines ipod!
Fastquez: on the way
Fastquez: ladies and gentlemen....
Fastquez: pizza
Fastquez: introducing...
Fastquez: a great voice - kelly jones!!
Fastquez: the one and only
Fastquez: is that debbie gibson!?!
Fastquez: josh TRYING to score a kiss from kelly
Fastquez: kelly jones!! (and the restroom)
Fastquez: intently.
Fastquez: awww
Fastquez: katz's
Fastquez: is that a small dick waiting for the train?
Fastquez: night
Fastquez: on the bus
Fastquez: blue
Fastquez: more green
Fastquez: lime
Fastquez: more red