Fastquez: what a perfect day for a midnight hike!
Fastquez: kirk lays down the law.
Fastquez: on our way and richard already looks scared...
Fastquez: who's that bulb?
Fastquez: oops, this is actually the map from disneyland...
Fastquez: passing showers...or IS IT... Spooky.
Fastquez: everybody say cheese!! hahaha!
Fastquez: so welcoming.
Fastquez: no, this is not the scooby van.
Fastquez: this house belongs to george.
Fastquez: george's catch.
Fastquez: let's do this.
Fastquez: meet george.
Fastquez: midnight hiking is dark.
Fastquez: george points out the pole where the bears like to scrape their claws and scratch their backs...hmm...not an encouraging sight before MIDNIGHT HIKING!
Fastquez: told you it was dark.
Fastquez: the group treks along.
Fastquez: random shot in the dark.
Fastquez: the headlamps of the hikers down the path...
Fastquez: the egg omelette markers.
Fastquez: anyone see where that tree marker went?!
Fastquez: on the second vista.
Fastquez: random hole in the dark.
Fastquez: the slippery rocks...
Fastquez: the clear lake!
Fastquez: justin gets a closer view of the lake.
Fastquez: we made it!
Fastquez: richard explains why not to burn a rhododendron
Fastquez: chris doesn't pay attention. :)
Fastquez: hey guys! can't believe you went in!!