Fastquez: the birthday boy!!
Fastquez: the players go to see some real players
Fastquez: on the 4
Fastquez: almost there...
Fastquez: josh opens gift - 1 tix to a yankee game! :)
Fastquez: reading card.
Fastquez: laughing hysterically!
Fastquez: the new stadium being built across from yankee stadium.
Fastquez: our seats.
Fastquez: a day out at the game.
Fastquez: game starts at 7:05p
Fastquez: this is where the pitchers warm up (thanks sindy!)
Fastquez: jose can't you sing...
Fastquez: that's jeter over there!
Fastquez: what's he laughing about??
Fastquez: lets play ball!
Fastquez: field shot 1 of 472
Fastquez: field shot 2 of 472
Fastquez: field shot 3 of 472
Fastquez: booty shot
Fastquez: field shot 6 of 472
Fastquez: bottle of cold beer here!
Fastquez: field shot 7 of 472
Fastquez: more of jeter
Fastquez: field shot 8 of 472
Fastquez: field shot 19 of 472
Fastquez: field shot 23 of 472 (you thought i was kidding...)
Fastquez: munchies!
Fastquez: the ONLY mariner fan...
Fastquez: field shot 30 of 472