Fastquez: my ticket to adventure!...or at least to albany
Fastquez: gate 64
Fastquez: is this sign for real?? ha!
Fastquez: rich picks me up.
Fastquez: night cap
Fastquez: back of alternative press magazine.
Fastquez: night #1 - DINNER!
Fastquez: time to hit the bars
Fastquez: his name is yogi. you know, like yogi bear.
Fastquez: to the bike paths!
Fastquez: my little sister...i mean my sister. :)
Fastquez: what the hell is this suppose to be?
Fastquez: the beginning of the bike trail
Fastquez: we're going up, up, up man!
Fastquez: i love bike riding!
Fastquez: only one mile later...water break already rich?!
Fastquez: action shots.
Fastquez: closer...
Fastquez: closer still...
Fastquez: biatch!
Fastquez: and she's gone
Fastquez: landscape on bike path
Fastquez: breezy but nice!
Fastquez: the overlook
Fastquez: or...the lookover
Fastquez: is THAT what we're on??
Fastquez: well, excuse ME!
Fastquez: sans jacqueline
Fastquez: creepy woods
Fastquez: under the bridge