Fastquez: mta bus on way to port authority and HOT AS BLAZES!
Fastquez: sexy...
Fastquez: dinner at the grufts
Fastquez: on the way to park playhouse!
Fastquez: susan and joshy
Fastquez: my sis
Fastquez: backseat drivers
Fastquez: father and son
Fastquez: hey, wait, i KNOW that dude!
Fastquez: i think we're early...
Fastquez: is that avery?!
Fastquez: wine and spirits
Fastquez: LOTS of spirit
Fastquez: friends
Fastquez: word
Fastquez: my boy
Fastquez: the cast...of what SHOULD have been a good show...
Fastquez: mother and son
Fastquez: sexy runs in the family...
Fastquez: A womp bop a looma a womp bam BOOOOO!
Fastquez: i want YOU
Fastquez: i'm ready for my close up
Fastquez: singin' in the car...loudly
Fastquez: after 3 glasses of wine...
Fastquez: designated driver...thanks rich!
Fastquez: the pit crew
Fastquez: guess what i was REALLY aiming for!
Fastquez: the two best looking people in the house!
Fastquez: eh, he was OK
Fastquez: sexy tho