Fastquez: obligatory pre-party side shot.
Fastquez: at work
Fastquez: pre-party pic
Fastquez: toast-ed
Fastquez: beer #43
Fastquez: richard and dan TRYING to sell outdoor bound to some dude
Fastquez: nice smile...
Fastquez: the bar scene
Fastquez: cutie-pa-tootie! (and thats dann) ;)
Fastquez: is that a pick up line??
Fastquez: "let me get this straight, you want me to take a shot of granola. really."
Fastquez: richard TRIES to impress these ladies...good luck.
Fastquez: where'd the ladies go?? :)
Fastquez: iphone...
Fastquez: oh chris
Fastquez: cerberus team!
Fastquez: chris and richard forever!
Fastquez: richard: "whats that you're doing there??"
Fastquez: christine and richard forever!
Fastquez: hahahahahaha - beautiful!!!
Fastquez: sky diving dude drawing. and some saying.
Fastquez: rock the tongue!
Fastquez: sweet.
Fastquez: the beer tasting gang - minus sindy and christine
Fastquez: is this suppose to be poetic, who took this??
Fastquez: again...i did NOT take this!
Fastquez: this dude stole my camera!
Fastquez: the bartenders boobs. (I DID NOT TAKE THIS ONE)
Fastquez: catch ya later, i'm eatin a potato
Fastquez: dork.