Fastquez: 7am and ready! (almost)
Fastquez: waiting for the car.
Fastquez: rob double-checking EVERYTHING
Fastquez: still checking.
Fastquez: guess what this is... :)
Fastquez: the directions
Fastquez: peek-a-boo
Fastquez: nice...shot
Fastquez: vroooom...
Fastquez: you're welcome.
Fastquez: my old high school!
Fastquez: random city shot
Fastquez: umm...what.
Fastquez: ok, here we go!
Fastquez: the landing field.
Fastquez: beautiful skies
Fastquez: the holding pad
Fastquez: the "test" pit.
Fastquez: pre-jump jitters.
Fastquez: 3 minutes to boarding.
Fastquez: my instructor (this guy has done this over 8,000 jumps!)
Fastquez: rob. in the cockpit! WTF!?!?!?
Fastquez: the moment of true impact! (13,500 ft.) -"gloria dios, hace tu vullundad aqui en la tierra, como en EL CIELO!"
Fastquez: oh, my, goooodddddd!!!
Fastquez: what's that over there?? my lungs?!
Fastquez: holy sh*t!!!!!
Fastquez: still crapping my pants!
Fastquez: woohooo!!!!!!!!!!
Fastquez: nice lovehatehero shirt! :)