Fastquez: this is the sky the night BEFORE the sky dive...the way it SHOULD HAVE BEEN!
Fastquez: this is the anticipation
Fastquez: the frightening thoughts...
Fastquez: the discussions prior to "the jump"
Fastquez: the cab ride to the meeting spot.
Fastquez: the "running" sneakers for the landing.
Fastquez: the ironic sticker at the starbucks bathroom.
Fastquez: the guide.
Fastquez: the scenic route...
Fastquez: the entrance.
Fastquez: the registration.
Fastquez: the realization...umm. What!
Fastquez: the revealing of the plane...
Fastquez: the landing grounds
Fastquez: the class.
Fastquez: the students.
Fastquez: the WARNING!
Fastquez: the rush!
Fastquez: the second thoughts...
Fastquez: the "meeting" spot.
Fastquez: the test drops
Fastquez: the instructors
Fastquez: the waiting.........
Fastquez: yep, the plane.
Fastquez: you guessed it.
Fastquez: the snacks (while you wait)
Fastquez: the lunch of the person prior to the diving...
Fastquez: a "briefing" lesson: don't die
Fastquez: let's shoot each other!
Fastquez: the road i NEVER take. :)