Fastquez: the prep.
Fastquez: the van ride.
Fastquez: the intense 9a on a sunday look.
Fastquez: rock and rolling to the woods!
Fastquez: the other side of the lake. umm...the darker side.
Fastquez: water break!
Fastquez: and benji...reading the paper........again!
Fastquez: let us pray (we get home safe)
Fastquez: don't cry richard...we're coming!
Fastquez: follow me...
Fastquez: this thing around my waist is my BACKPACK!
Fastquez: and that right there i got at tiffany's...
Fastquez: umm...ok, now we go home.
Fastquez: ok, act natural!
Fastquez: oh shoot!
Fastquez: anyone see a detour around here?
Fastquez: christine... :)
Fastquez: richard...our guide??
Fastquez: the group.
Fastquez: and this guys is the "natural" asphalt. enjoy.
Fastquez: i believe the natives intended this to happen.
Fastquez: chris trying to be artsy...
Fastquez: tree.
Fastquez: random butt shot.
Fastquez: close up...too close, a little too close.
Fastquez: i'm 30.
Fastquez: come on christine, just a little more...
Fastquez: i see skies of blue...
Fastquez: umm...richard, you're in my shot!
Fastquez: ah...beautiful.