Fastquez: the balloon.
Fastquez: lisa, TRYING to rest.
Fastquez: mark and that handsome devil of an "uncle" chris...
Fastquez: the great-aunt...carmen.
Fastquez: the new aunt...julie.
Fastquez: location...just in case you forgot.
Fastquez: moments away from meeting ABD!
Fastquez: the waiting area.
Fastquez: ladies and gentlemen...ADELINA BELLE!!
Fastquez: the glass house.
Fastquez: proud dad.
Fastquez: good morning star shine...the earth says hello!
Fastquez: time to change baby's diaper!!! :)
Fastquez: wait, i'm thinking.
Fastquez: one more picture uncle chris and that's it!
Fastquez: get out of my room!
Fastquez: wink ;)
Fastquez: baby dasilva
Fastquez: belle
Fastquez: adelina
Fastquez: yep, adelina belle again.
Fastquez: daddy and baby.
Fastquez: pinky and pinky.
Fastquez: daddy mark lends a hand.
Fastquez: the new aunt alison!
Fastquez: the new slip-ons!
Fastquez: lisa...the after-math...and STILL looking great!
Fastquez: the hospital.
Fastquez: bobby said this was a cooler shot...