Fastquez: pre-party
Fastquez: mid-sentence
Fastquez: yummy.
Fastquez: let the party begin...
Fastquez: stella!!!
Fastquez: oh chris.
Fastquez: yay! she's here!
Fastquez: lisa is going to kill me for this one.
Fastquez: perfect belly.
Fastquez: pink.
Fastquez: candid
Fastquez: perfect shot.
Fastquez: the rangels/dasilva
Fastquez: bro, sis, sis...
Fastquez: the rowdy crowd.
Fastquez: best friends.
Fastquez: "um, you're not wearing THOSE are you??"
Fastquez: lovely.
Fastquez: cheese...cake.
Fastquez: hello he-man!
Fastquez: i must take this call...excuse me.
Fastquez: baby shower for two?
Fastquez: over HERE mark!
Fastquez: hi, welcome to my party!
Fastquez: presents!
Fastquez: lisa's profile.
Fastquez: i'm stuffed.
Fastquez: thanks Chris! :)
Fastquez: beer before lick her.
Fastquez: millie and chris - picture perfect (again)