Fastquez: no, MY pillow!
Fastquez: North is thatta way.
Fastquez: I'm an 11. :)
Fastquez: what's YOUR size shoe?
Fastquez: step 1...
Fastquez: step 2...
Fastquez: grunt.
Fastquez: what is this BUSH doing here??
Fastquez: nice form!
Fastquez: me coming down.
Fastquez: step one.
Fastquez: cornerstone.
Fastquez: i'm not going anywhere...
Fastquez: the head gear...or the gear head.
Fastquez: I want to play too...
Fastquez: Craig!!
Fastquez: Connie!!
Fastquez: who's next?
Fastquez: "umm...i'm stuck." No you're not. :)
Fastquez: almost there.........
Fastquez: say huh?
Fastquez: word.
Fastquez: an apple a day...
Fastquez: spiderman.
Fastquez: more powder please!
Fastquez: ha, amatures.
Fastquez: yep, this is a rock alright.
Fastquez: Wes, the balay.
Fastquez: my butt.