kwk33f: Merthyr Tydfil 235
kwk33f: Central Scottish LT62
kwk33f: OK Motor Services LFT4X
kwk33f: Fylde Borough 43
kwk33f: National Travel London 632
kwk33f: Devon General 2215
kwk33f: United 1032
kwk33f: East Midland 44
kwk33f: National Travel London 652
kwk33f: Ambassador Travel 901
kwk33f: United Counties 112
kwk33f: Leyland Tiger Demonstrator BRN694Y
kwk33f: Southdown 1014
kwk33f: Eastern Scottish XCL550
kwk33f: City Of Oxford 102
kwk33f: National Welsh UC1212
kwk33f: Lowland Scottish 327
kwk33f: National Travel East 274
kwk33f: Eastern Scottish XCL565
kwk33f: Ribble 125
kwk33f: Southern National SN5
kwk33f: Thames Transit 15
kwk33f: Thamesdown 317
kwk33f: Lowland Scottish 314
kwk33f: London Country BTL15
kwk33f: London Country TP14
kwk33f: Midland Red North 1506
kwk33f: Midland Scottish MPT126
kwk33f: Western National 2207
kwk33f: City of Oxford 110