rhianwhit: leaning in
rhianwhit: face of rock
rhianwhit: Gull colony
rhianwhit: Gun emplacement
rhianwhit: Red and white
rhianwhit: black and white
rhianwhit: Walking
rhianwhit: cracks
rhianwhit: plant life everywhere
rhianwhit: The finger
rhianwhit: Climber
rhianwhit: White tongue
rhianwhit: rock face 2
rhianwhit: rock face
rhianwhit: Lichen
rhianwhit: Rock pool
rhianwhit: Beach stone
rhianwhit: Explanation
rhianwhit: three seals
rhianwhit: Corbiere Lighthouse
rhianwhit: WP_20191005_17_04_02_Pro
rhianwhit: WP_20191005_17_02_24_Pro
rhianwhit: WP_20191003_13_38_09_Pro
rhianwhit: Paradise
rhianwhit: IMG_9597
rhianwhit: Rockface, arid and soft colours
rhianwhit: strata
rhianwhit: San Cristobel Island, Galapagos
rhianwhit: Albatross chick
rhianwhit: seascape