BotanyBob2012: Golden chariot from King Tut tomb - replica
BotanyBob2012: Artwork from King Tut tomb
BotanyBob2012: Canopic Shrine from King Tut tomb - replica
BotanyBob2012: Closeup of King Tut solid gold inner coffin - replica
BotanyBob2012: King Tut inner coffin - replica but original is solid gold
BotanyBob2012: King Tut middle coffin - replica
BotanyBob2012: King Tut outer coffin - replica
BotanyBob2012: King Tut burial mask - life-sized replica
BotanyBob2012: Mask that covered the head and chest of the mummified remains of King Tut
BotanyBob2012: _DSF7739 - Tutankhamun throne and foot stool
BotanyBob2012: _DSF7726 - Statue of Egyptian God