Gil V: Terribly beautiful, drawn for Macro Monday (spooky and frightful). Schrecklich schön, gezeichnet für Macro Monday (spooky and frightful).
Gil V: translucent
Gil V: glass edge
Gil V: color and glitter 1...HMM
Gil V: in a row
Gil V: hot, hot, hot
Gil V: G = glittering HMM
Gil V: Macro Monday's Eyes
Gil V: hidden - versteckt
Gil V: Poisonous
Gil V: Water droplets from morning dew.
Gil V: broken
Gil V: Oxygen-Blackberry
Gil V: abstract
Gil V: connect
Gil V: rust
Gil V: An angel's light
Gil V: spiral
Gil V: Halloween - MM
Gil V: old acoustic guitar - alte Akkustikgitarre
Gil V: Ricordo del Battesimo - Ich erinnere mich an die Taufe - I remember the baptism.
Gil V: Macro Mondays theme 'buttons and bows'
Gil V: LitByCandlelight
Gil V: once upon a time "MacroMonday"
Gil V: A touch of blue.
Gil V: mesh
Gil V: crinkled -winkled